
A Guide to College Apartment Essentials

By Martin Signer

Published: August 13, 2023

The college apartment is a rite of passage that should be celebrated. But there's also the practical side to it.

An apartment lets students move away from home and become entirely responsible for their food, shelter, and well-being. If you're preparing to spend your next year in college, it's going to be your responsibility to stock up the place.

So what do you need?

We've created this handy college apartment essentials guide. This will help you with your shopping list and make sure you're stocked up for the year. Keep reading to learn more.

Choose Your Ideal Apartment

When considering which apartment to choose, there are many factors to consider, such as safety, price, and distance to campus. Taking the time to consider all these factors beforehand will help prepare for the next step. If you are looking for the right college apartment, you can visit Campus Communities Student Apartments for more information about their college housing.


Invest in a comfortable mattress, pillows, and bedding. Consider a loft bed to save space. A sturdy desk with ample surface area for studying and an ergonomic chair that supports your posture during long study sessions.

You will also need a versatile seating option that can also double as a guest bed. Additionally, a table and chairs for meals and studying.

Kitchen Essentials

When it comes to kitchen essentials, you don't need to go crazy. A pot, pan, and perhaps a skillet can help you whip up a range of recipes. For cutlery, a few basic knives, a few wooden spoons, and spatulas are a must.

Utensils like a can opener and food processors can come in handy, but they're not necessary. Pots and pans with lids are also helpful for locking in heat and reducing the amount of time you need to cook, as is baking ware.

Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning supplies are essential for college apartment living. This should include a broom and dustpan for easy cleanup. Vacuum cleaner to keep your floors tidy.

Mop and bucket to clean hard surfaces. Additionally, all-purpose cleaners, disinfecting wipes, trash bags, and laundry detergent.

Bathroom Essentials

Start by purchasing a toilet brush, plunger, and cleaning solutions. Towels, bath mats, bath rugs, and extra toilet paper are all necessary. Also, stock up on personal toiletries such as deodorant, shampoo, and soap.

Make sure you also have a first aid kit, just in case of any unexpected accidents or illnesses that may arise.

Storage Solutions

One great solution is stackable plastic bins. They're lightweight, easy to clean, and can fit almost anywhere.

Wall-mounted storage cubes are also a common option. They can store large items like books or towels, freeing up floor space. Hanging organizers are a great way to store and organize clothes, and shelves can help arrange items from toiletries and towels to appliances and books.

Finding the right storage system to suit the particular needs of your college apartment can help make the transition to living in a smaller space much easier.

A Few Tips for Choosing College Apartment Essentials

College living can be daunting, but with the right preparation, it can be an enjoyable and beneficial experience. Investing in quality bedding, a first-aid kit, and essential kitchen gear are important for setting up a comfortable, efficient home away from home.

Prioritize the necessary items that will help you make the most of your college living situation. Put together your list of college apartment essentials, shop, and move in with confidence!

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