
Say Goodbye to Brittle Nails with These Strengthening Tips

Do you know how essential healthy nails are for expressing one’s style and health and making a great first impression? Yet, countless individuals struggle with fragile nails that seem to chip and break incessantly. Moreover, nails are not only a vital aspect of personal grooming, but they also indicate overall health. That’s why it’s crucial to pay attention to their condition.


The good news is that, with the right approach and nail-strengthening recommendations, anyone can attain solid and beautiful nails they can be proud of. In this enlightening blog, you’ll find out straightforward solutions to help you transform your nail health and boost your confidence. You’ll also learn the causes of fragile nails and share expert advice on practical methods for achieving healthier, more resilient nails. Are you ready? Let’s go!

1.  Understanding Brittle Nails


Brittle nails are a widespread issue characterized by weak, easily breakable nails prone to splitting and peeling. An expert explains that several factors contribute to brittle nails, such as aging, frequent exposure to water, harsh chemicals, and nutritional deficiencies. External factors like harsh weather, fluctuations in temperature, and the use of nail products may worsen this condition.


Additionally, underlying health conditions such as hypothyroidism, fungal infections, or anaemia could also lead to brittle nails. But not to worry when you have a nail strengthener. The protective layer of a strengthener can help add structure and avoid nail chipping.  Some of them also come with nourishing ingredients to add work from within.


2.  Proper Nail Care



Getting stronger nails is possible if you’re careful and follow certain practices:


·         Regular Trimming And Gentle Filing


Use sharp nail cutters to cut your nails straight, then round the sides in a gentle curve. File your nails in one direction rather than using a back-and-forth motion to avoid causing splits.


·         Avoiding Harsh Chemicals In Nail Products


Opt for non-acetone nail polish removers and 3-free or 5-free nail polishes, free from harmful chemicals. This will help minimize damage and maintain the health of your nails.


·         Giving Nails A Break From Nail Polish


Allow your nails to breathe and recover by taking breaks from wearing nail polish. This helps prevent discoloration and damage caused by prolonged exposure to nail polish chemicals.


·         Use a Base Coat and Top Coat


Applying a base coat before your nail polish can protect your nails from staining and create a smooth surface for the polish. A top coat will seal the color, add shine, and prolong the life of your manicure, reducing the need for frequent polish changes that can weaken your nails.


·         Say No to Aggressive Nail Treatments


Avoid harsh nail treatments, like acrylics, gel nails, and extensions, as they can weaken the natural nail. If you opt for these, take breaks to give your nails time to recover.


·         Practice Apt Nail Hygiene


Every day, wash your nails and cuticles. To keep them clean, use a cuticle pusher to push back the cuticles softly, or use an orangewood stick. Do not cut your cuticles; it can cause infections and damage the nail matrix. So, to avoid the spread of bacteria and fungi, sanitize your nail instruments regularly.


3.  Moisturizing and Hydration


It is critical to keep your nails moisturized to avoid breakage. Cuticle oil and hand creams with nutritious elements like shea butter and vitamin E is recommended by researchers.


To keep your nails nourished and healthy, moisturize them at least once daily, preferably before night. Additionally, drinking plenty of water helps maintain overall hydration, essential for healthy nails.



4.  Diet and Nutrition for Strong Nails


A nail-friendly dietary routine with vital vitamins, minerals, and protein is crucial for healthy nails. Consider foods that contain vitamins, zinc, and biotin in your daily diet. Foods high in protein, like fish, beans, meat, and nuts, may help your nail quality.


Additionally, incorporating antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, such as berries and leafy greens, supports overall nail health by fighting inflammation and promoting tissue repair.



5.  Supplements for Nail Strengthening


If your diet lacks enough nutrients, consider taking biotin and collagen supplements for solid nails. However, before beginning any new supplement, please talk with a healthcare practitioner to ensure it is appropriate. 



6.  Preventing Nail Damage


Avoiding habits that can damage your nails is crucial for getting solid nails. Stop nail-biting, use gloves when doing household chores involving water or chemicals, and avoid using your nails to open cans or packages. Nails are part of your anatomy, so do not use them to open objects!


7.  Natural Remedies for Strong Nails


There are several natural remedies which include:

·         Soak your nails in warm water, olive oil, and lemon juice.

·         Treat fungal infections with tea tree oil.

·         Applying a coconut oil massage to your nails and cuticles for added hydration.

·         Use apple cider vinegar and water as a nail soak to help combat nail infections.

·         Gently rub garlic cloves on your nails, as garlic contains sulfur, which can help improve nail hardness and length.


8.   Professional Treatments

 Some effective professional treatments for stronger nails include:

·         IBX: It strengthens nails from within by penetrating the nail plate and bonding with its structure.

·         Nailtiques: A protein-based formula that strengthens weak, thin, or damaged nails.

·         Gel manicures: Gel manicures using nail strengtheners can offer extra protection and support.

·         Nail fortifying treatments: These treatments infuse nails with essential nutrients to improve their strength. 




It’s time to bid farewell brittle nails and welcome the path to stronger, healthier nails. By implementing these valuable tips and cultivating a conscientious nail care routine, you can revolutionize the state and look of your nails, enhancing your confidence and self-image along the way. Persistence is crucial as you embark on this transformative journey. As you progress, remember to celebrate your small successes and share your experiences with nail enthusiasts. Stay positive and strive for strong, beautiful nails!

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