
How to Effectively Address Employee Burnout and Stress in the Workplace

Did you know that burnout affects about 70% of employees? This is alarming, considering how burned-out employees are over 50% more likely to seek a new job. So stress levels in the workplace can decrease retention, productivity, and overall efficiency in your business. 

Do you want to avoid this? Let’s figure out how. 

What Is Employee Burnout?

Employee burnout is a phenomenon that occurs when employees experience chronic stress and exhaustion due to their work. It can manifest in various ways, such as physical fatigue, emotional exhaustion, and decreased motivation. Burnout can significantly impact an employee's mental health, job performance, and well-being. 

Some common causes of employee burnout include excessive workload, lack of control over one's work environment, poor management, and insufficient support from colleagues or superiors. Leadership style plays a vital role in a team to work together and keep growing while embracing changes. Highly committed employees may also be more susceptible to burnout because they often feel compelled to go above and beyond their duties. 

The consequences of employee burnout can be severe for both the individual and the organization. Burned-out employees are likely to experience absenteeism, turnover, reduced productivity, or a workplace defamation case. They may also suffer from physical health problems such as headaches, digestive issues, and insomnia.

There are many ways to lessen (and perhaps get rid of) employee burnout. One way is by using employee monitoring software to keep an eye on employees' activities and support them in times of burnout. However, there are many different types of stress, and this is not a one-size-fits-all solution. 

First, let's explore the different types of stress that cause employee burnout.

What Are The Different Types of Workplace Stress?

Task-related stress

Task-related stress is a type of workplace stress that occurs when employees feel overwhelmed by their workload or have difficulty managing their time effectively. Employees may experience task-related stress for several reasons, including:

  • Workload: Employees may feel stressed if they have fewer tasks within a given timeframe. This can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed and under pressure.

  • Time management: Poor time management skills can also contribute to task-related stress. If employees manage their time effectively, they may be able to complete tasks within deadlines or find themselves working long hours.

  • Lack of resources: Employees may feel stressed if they need more resources or support to complete their tasks successfully. For example, if an employee needs help from a colleague but does not receive it.

Interpersonal stress

Interpersonal stress arises from conflicts with colleagues or superiors, poor communication, or feeling isolated at work. Employees may experience this type of stress from:

  • Conflicts with colleagues: They might have disputes with colleagues over issues such as work responsibilities or personal differences. These conflicts can cause tension in the workplace and make it difficult to work effectively together.

  • Poor communication: Ineffective communication between colleagues, employees, and their superiors can also contribute to interpersonal stress. Misunderstandings or unclear expectations can lead to frustration and confusion.

  • Feeling isolated: Some employees may feel isolated at work if they do not have good working relationships with their colleagues or feel excluded from social activities in the workplace.

Organizational stress

Organizational stress arises from factors related to the organization itself, such as its culture, policies, and work environment. This can lead to frustration, burnout, and reduced job satisfaction. Employees may experience organizational stress because of the following:

  • Piling Workload: A heavy workload or unrealistic deadlines can contribute to organizational stress. Employees may feel overwhelmed and need help to keep up with their responsibilities.

  • Lack of control: Feeling like they have little control over their work or decision-making processes can also cause organizational stress.

  • Poor leadership: Poor leadership or management practices can contribute to organizational stress by creating a hostile work environment or causing confusion about job expectations.

  • Lacking Work-life balance: A lack of work-life balance can also contribute to organizational stress if employees cannot meet personal obligations outside of work.

Physical stress

Physical stress arises from the job's physical demands, such as repetitive motions, heavy lifting, or long periods of standing. This can lead to physical discomfort, pain, and even injury if not managed properly. Employees may experience physical stress for several reasons, including:

  • Repetitive motions: Jobs that require repetitive movements such as typing or assembly line work can cause strain on muscles and joints, leading to injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • Heavy lifting: Jobs that require heavy lifting or carrying can put a lot of strain on the back and other parts of the body leading to injuries like herniated discs.

  • Long-standing periods: Jobs requiring employees to stand for long periods without breaks can lead to foot problems, knee problems, and varicose veins.

Role ambiguity and conflict

Role ambiguity and conflict are types of workplace stress that arise from unclear job expectations or conflicting demands placed on employees. This can lead to frustration, disengagement, and reduced job satisfaction. Employees may experience role ambiguity and conflict from:

  • Unclear job expectations: When employees are unsure about what is expected of them in their role or have conflicting goals, they may feel overwhelmed or uncertain about how to proceed.

  • Conflicting demands: Employees who receive conflicting orders from different supervisors or departments may need help prioritizing tasks effectively.

Career development

Career development-related stress is a common type of stress that can occur when individuals feel pressure or anxiety related to their professional growth and advancement within their organization. This type of stress may arise from various factors, including job insecurity, lack of opportunities for career progression, or uncertainty about the future.

The Significance of Stress Management Training

Now let’s get to the solution.

Utilizing a comprehensive program tailored to the specific needs of your staff can help create a more productive, healthy work environment that leads to higher morale, better performance, and increased job satisfaction. Just like any other sector, education is key. 

First, stress management training can provide employees with the skills and knowledge they need to recognize when they are feeling overwhelmed or burned out. Employees who can identify their signs of burnout before it becomes a chronic problem will be better equipped to take proactive steps toward reducing stress in their lives. This can include cultivating healthy habits, such as getting enough rest and exercise, practicing mindful meditation, or learning how to better manage their time.

Second, stress management training can help employees to more effectively cope with difficult situations in the workplace. By teaching employees effective problem-solving techniques, they will be able to handle challenging tasks without feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. This can include teaching employees how to create a game plan for tackling stressful tasks, or how to break down large projects into smaller goals that are more easily manageable. Additionally, it can help employees develop their conflict resolution skills, enabling them to better navigate disagreements within the workplace and come up with mutually beneficial solutions. Even when they’re working from home.

Finally, providing stress management training can also benefit employers through increased job satisfaction and improved engagement from employees. When employees are better equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to manage their own stress levels, they will be able to focus more on getting their work done rather than worrying about how stressed out they feel. This can translate into higher quality output and lower turnover rates, enabling employers to get more out of their teams in less time. Additionally, a healthy work environment that emphasizes stress relief and self-care practices helps keep morale high, which leads to increased motivation among staff members and encourages greater collaboration within the workplace.

In summary, there are many benefits associated with providing stress management training for employees. By teaching staff members to recognize the signs of burnout and better manage their stress levels, employers can create a healthier work environment that leads to higher performance, job satisfaction, and overall morale. 

The Top Ten Free Tools For HR Management

Now let’s discuss some of the best tools to help you accomplish what you need to do:

Google Suite

Google Suite is a robust set of tools that can revolutionize HR management. With its cloud-based applications, Google Suite makes it easy for HR professionals to collaborate with team members, manage documents and files, and communicate effectively.

One of the biggest advantages of Google Suite for HR management is its ease of use. The suite's intuitive interface allows users to quickly and easily create, edit, and share documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and other files. This makes it ideal for HR professionals who need to work collaboratively with other team members or departments.

Another advantage of Google Suite is its accessibility. Because all files are stored in the cloud, they can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This means that HR professionals can work remotely or on the go without missing a beat.

In addition to collaboration and accessibility, Google Suite offers robust security features to protect sensitive HR data. Files are automatically backed up in the cloud, ensuring that important information is never lost due to hardware failure or other issues.


Asana is a project management tool that helps teams stay organized and focused on their goals. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, Asana is an ideal solution for businesses of all sizes looking to streamline their workflow.

Asana can be customized to meet the unique needs of each team, allowing users to create custom workflows, set up task dependencies, and track progress in real-time. This customization makes it easy for teams to collaborate effectively and stay on top of deadlines.

Another advantage of Asana is its ability to integrate with other tools. The platform seamlessly integrates with popular apps like Slack, Google Drive, and Microsoft Teams, making managing tasks across different platforms easy. This integration also allows users to automate repetitive tasks and save time on manual work.

In addition to flexibility and integration, Asana also offers robust reporting capabilities. Users can generate detailed reports on project progress, task completion rates, and more, giving managers valuable insights into team performance.


Trello is a highly visual project management tool that offers a simple and intuitive way to manage tasks, projects, and workflows. With its easy-to-use interface and powerful features, Trello is an ideal solution for companies of all sizes looking to streamline their processes and increase productivity.

One of the most significant advantages of Trello is its highly visual nature. The platform uses cards and boards to represent tasks and projects, making it easy for users to see what needs to be done at a glance. This visual approach also helps teams stay organized and focused on their goals.

In addition, Trello also offers powerful collaboration features. Users can assign tasks to team members, add comments or attachments, and receive notifications when changes are made. This collaboration helps ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.


One of the biggest benefits of Slack is its ability to streamline communication. The platform allows users to create channels for specific projects or topics, making it easy to organize conversations and keep everyone on the same page. Users can also send direct messages or make voice or video calls, providing multiple options for communication.

Another benefit of Slack is its integration capabilities. The platform seamlessly integrates with tools like Google Drive, Trello, and Asana, allowing users to manage tasks and projects without leaving the app. This integration helps reduce distractions and saves time on manual work.

In addition to streamlined communication and integration capabilities, Slack also offers powerful search functionality. Users can easily search for messages or files across all channels, making it easy to find information quickly.


Hootsuite is a social media management tool that allows users to manage multiple social media accounts from a single dashboard. With its powerful features and user-friendly interface, Hootsuite stands out among other workplace tools as an ideal solution for companies of all sizes looking to improve their social media presence.

Hootsuite allows users to manage multiple social media accounts in one place. Users can schedule posts, monitor engagement, and track analytics across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more. This comprehensive approach saves time and helps ensure consistency across all platforms.

Another advantage of Hootsuite is its collaboration capabilities. Multiple team members can access the same account and collaborate on posts or campaigns in real time. This collaboration helps ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

In addition to managing multiple accounts and collaboration capabilities, Hootsuite also offers powerful analytics and reporting features. Users can track engagement metrics like likes, comments, and shares, as well as follower growth and website traffic. This data helps inform future social media strategies and ensures maximum ROI.


Canva is a graphic design platform that offers a wide range of design tools and templates. While it is commonly used by marketing freelancers for branding purposes, Canva can also be a valuable tool for HR management.

One significant advantage of Canva is its ability to create visually appealing job postings and other work-related materials. With Canva's easy-to-use templates and drag-and-drop interface, HR managers can quickly create eye-catching visual aids for their employees.

Canva can also be used for internal HR tasks, such as creating employee handbooks, training materials, and presentations. The platform's collaboration features make it easy for multiple team members to work together on these projects in real-time. Additionally, Canva's extensive library of stock images and illustrations can bring these materials to life with engaging visuals.

Another advantage of using Canva for HR management is its ability to create branded assets such as business cards, letterheads, or employee badges. This ensures consistency across all company communications and creates a professional image.


SurveyMonkey is a popular online survey tool that allows individuals and businesses to create and distribute surveys efficiently. One major advantage of SurveyMonkey is its simplicity and ease of use. With its intuitive interface, users can quickly create surveys without needing any programming or design skills.

Another advantage of SurveyMonkey is its flexibility in terms of survey distribution methods. Surveys can be distributed via email, social media, website links, or embedded into web pages. This makes reaching a broad audience and collecting valuable feedback from customers, employees, or other stakeholders easy.

SurveyMonkey also offers a variety of survey question types such as multiple-choice, rating scales, open-ended questions, and more. These question types allow for more comprehensive data collection, which can help organizations make informed decisions based on the results.

Finally, SurveyMonkey provides robust reporting features that allow users to analyze survey data and gain insights into their results quickly. Customizable charts and graphs make it easy to visualize data trends and identify areas for improvement.

HubSpot CRM

HubSpot CRM is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. It offers a wide range of features that can help streamline workflows, improve efficiency, and increase productivity.

One of the main benefits of using HubSpot CRM is its ability to centralize customer data. This means that all information about a customer or prospect can be stored in one place, making it easy to access and analyze.

HubSpot CRM also offers robust reporting and analytics capabilities. In real-time, users can track key metrics such as deal stages, revenue forecasts, and sales performance. This allows teams to make data-driven decisions and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Another advantage of HubSpot CRM is its integration with other tools in the HubSpot ecosystem. For example, users can easily connect their CRM with the marketing automation platform to create personalized campaigns targeting specific audience segments.

Open Source HRMS Software

Open Source HRMS Software offers a range of advantages that make it a top choice for businesses. One of the main benefits is its flexibility and customization options. Unlike proprietary software, open-source solutions can be tailored to meet specific business needs and integrate with other tools seamlessly.

Another advantage of Open Source HRMS Software is its cost-effectiveness. Since the code is freely available, businesses can save on licensing fees and development costs. Additionally, since the software is community-driven, updates and bug fixes are often released faster than proprietary solutions.

What sets Open Source HRMS Software apart from other workplace tools is its ability to automate repetitive tasks such as onboarding, payroll processing, and performance management. This not only saves time but also reduces errors and improves accuracy.

Open Source HRMS Software also has robust reporting capabilities that allow users to track key metrics such as employee turnover rates and attendance records in real-time. This data can then be used to make informed decisions about workforce management strategies.


We like the document attachment feature, so we can share briefs and procedures. I even get the posts on my Apple Watch, which is great if I'm in a meeting and want to take a quick peek to see if something urgent has come up. Our work is hard and using GIFs makes it much more pleasurable. Melinda Self, from Director at Contra Costa County Department of Child Support Services. 

Chanty is a team chat app that makes communication and collaboration a seamless process for teams of all sizes. 

Chanty allows teams to streamline their workflows and boost productivity which in turn reduces burnout. With an additional promise of increasing productivity by 55%, it can help you reduce the stress of not getting your work done on time.

The app allows you to send and receive messages while also making audio and video calls. The Kanban board gives you a bird's eye view of everything going on within the department or team—from assigning tasks to keeping track of ongoing work and setting reminders for everything—it’s a bliss to use.

The Top Ten Paid Services For HR Management

Aside from the aforementioned free apps and tools, there are several paid services available that can help you manage your HR more efficiently. 

ADP Workforce Now

ADP Workforce Now is a cloud-based HR management system that offers a range of features such as payroll processing, benefits administration, time and attendance tracking, talent management, and compliance management. This service is ideal for small to mid-sized businesses looking to automate their HR processes.

ADP Workforce Now is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, making it simple for both employers and employees to use. This can reduce the learning curve for new users and increase overall productivity.


BambooHR is another popular HR management system offering features like applicant tracking, onboarding, performance management, time-off tracking, and more. This service is ideal for small to mid-sized businesses that want an easy-to-use platform to manage their HR processes.

BambooHR offers robust reporting capabilities that provide real-time analytics on key metrics such as turnover rates, employee engagement levels, and more. This data can help businesses make informed decisions about their workforce strategy and identify areas for improvement.

In addition to these features, BambooHR also offers excellent customer support. Their team provides personalized assistance to customers through phone or email support channels.

Superworks is a comprehensive HR software solution that offers a complete suite of human capital management (HCM) tools. Its features include payroll processing, talent acquisition tools, performance management capabilities, benefits administration, compliance management tools, and time-tracking tools. This service also includes predictive analytics capabilities, enabling organizations to make data-driven decisions about their workforce.

Moreover, Superworks offers an integrated marketplace where users can purchase additional services like health insurance or retirement plans. With its user-friendly interface, the platform is designed to simplify complex HR tasks, reduce the learning curve for new users, and increase overall productivity.


Namely is a comprehensive HR software solution that offers features like payroll processing, benefits administration, performance reviews, employee engagement tools, compliance management tools, and more. This service is ideal for mid-sized to large businesses looking for an all-in-one HR solution.


Gusto is a cloud-based payroll and benefits platform that offers features like automated tax filings, workers' compensation insurance integration, and time-tracking tools. This service is ideal for small businesses looking to simplify their payroll process.


Zenefits is an all-in-one HR software solution that offers features like benefits administration, compliance management tools, and time-tracking tools. This service also has an integrated marketplace where users can purchase additional services like health insurance or retirement plans.

Another advantage of Zenefits is its user-friendly interface. The platform is designed with a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to navigate and complete their tasks quickly. This can reduce the learning curve for new users and increase overall productivity.

Paychex Flex

Paychex Flex is a comprehensive HR software solution with features like payroll processing, tax filing services, an employee self-service portal, and mobile app access. This service is ideal for small to mid-sized businesses looking to outsource their payroll processing.

UKG Ready

UKG Ready is a cloud-based workforce management system with features like scheduling tools, timekeeping solutions, and leave management capabilities. This service is ideal for mid-sized to large organizations with complex workforce needs.

One advantage of UKG Ready is its focus on compliance. The platform offers tools to help businesses stay compliant with labor laws and regulations, which can help reduce the risk of legal issues and penalties.

UKG Ready also provides advanced analytics capabilities that enable businesses to track key metrics such as overtime costs, absenteeism rates, and turnover rates. This data can help companies make informed decisions about their workforce strategy and identify areas for improvement.


UltiPro is an all-in-one HCM (human capital management) suite with features like payroll processing, talent acquisition tools, and performance management capabilities. This service also includes predictive analytics capabilities, which can help organizations make data-driven decisions about their workforce.

SAP SuccessFactors

SAP SuccessFactors is another comprehensive HCM suite that includes features like core HR functions (payroll processing), talent acquisition tools (applicant tracking system), and learning & development solutions (online training courses). This service also has advanced reporting capabilities which provide insights into important metrics related to your workforce.

SAP SuccessFactors focuses on employee experience, as the platform offers personalized experiences for employees through self-service portals that allow them to manage their own information and access relevant resources easily. This can increase employee satisfaction and reduce administrative tasks for HR teams.

SAP SuccessFactors also provides advanced analytics capabilities that enable businesses to track key metrics such as turnover rates, engagement levels, and performance ratings. This data can help companies make informed decisions about their workforce strategy and identify areas for improvement.

Oracle HCM Cloud

Oracle HCM Cloud is an enterprise-grade HCM suite designed for large organizations with complex requirements around global compliance regulations or multi-country payroll systems integration issues. It includes core HR functions such as payroll processing and advanced talent acquisition solutions such as candidate profiling & assessment testing.

In addition to these features, Oracle HCM Cloud is highly scalable and customizable to meet the unique needs of each business. The platform can be configured to align with specific workflows, processes, and policies.


“Workast has made the transition from in-office to fully remote back to a hybrid model absolutely seamless. My favorite Workast feature by far is the ability to sync tasks with your work calendar. I can see all of my Zoom calls, meetings, and tasks in one place. I am an incredibly visual person, as are a bunch of our team members, and having this color-coded, consolidated to-do list is immensely helpful.” By John Ross from Test Prep Insight - CEO

With Workast, you can easily organize and prioritize your tasks, track project progress, and monitor to-do lists in one convenient location. One of the best things about Workast is the integration with Slack and Webex, two of the most popular communication tools teams use. This allows you to quickly assign tasks and keep employees in the loop without having to leave the app. Workast also provides a comprehensive dashboard with progress tracking, task notes, reporting, and more to make managing your HR operations simpler. Additionally, Workast offers powerful features such as automated reminders and checklists that help keep teams organized throughout a project. With its intuitive design and easy-to-use interface, Workast is an essential tool for HR professionals looking to take their productivity up a notch. 

FAQs on Addressing Employee Burnout and Stress in the Workplace

If you have any questions, you might find them here: let’s check them out.

  1. What steps can employees take to manage their stress levels at work? Employees can manage their stress levels by taking regular breaks throughout the day, prioritizing their workload based on urgency and importance, building workplace relationships with team building activities even for virtual teams, setting realistic goals for themselves, and communicating effectively with their colleagues and supervisors about their needs.

  1. How can I address the frontline connection gap to reduce employee burnout and stress in the workplace? It is important to foster a culture of open communication and collaboration between front-line employees and management. Management should be actively involved in engaging with their front-line staff, listening to their concerns, understanding their needs, and providing support where necessary. Establishing regular check-ins with front-line staff will help ensure they have access to the resources they need while also providing an opportunity for managers to learn about any areas where employees may be struggling.

Learn more: 9 Effective Strategies to Bridge the Frontline Connection Gap and Create a Successful Organization

  1. What role do managers play in preventing employee burnout? Managers play a crucial role in preventing employee burnout by creating a positive work environment that promotes open communication between team members and providing regular feedback on performance metrics to help employees improve their skills or knowledge base needed for success within their roles.

  2. What is a technical screening guide? A technical screening guide is a valuable tool to help employers assess an applicant's skills, knowledge, and abilities related to the job they are applying for. Although it may not be used as the sole basis for hiring decisions, it can provide insight into an applicant's qualifications and give employers better insight into how their needs may be met. Technical screening guides can also help to reduce employee burnout and stress by ensuring that only qualified candidates are hired, decreasing the chances of employees having to perform duties outside of their scope or beyond their capabilities.

  3. How should I manage stress in the sales department? Managing stress in the sales department requires a proactive approach. Establish clear deadlines and goals so that your team knows what is expected of them. Encourage open communication between you and your team and be sure to listen to their concerns – this can help create an environment of trust and understanding. Also, ensure that employees take adequate breaks throughout the day and have access to resources they need to manage their workload effectively. Finally, remind them to stay calm and close deals, as it is important not only for productivity but also for mental health. This will help ensure healthy workplace relationships amidst challenging times.

  4. What should I do if I'm experiencing burnout as a working mom? Recognizing that you are potentially burned out and need to make changes is the first step in addressing your stress levels. It is important to prioritize self-care and create boundaries between work, family, and personal time. If possible, explore approaches such as flexible work hours or working from home some days of the week while balancing taking care of your children's needs. Consider talking with your employer about allowing periodic breaks away from work during the day so that you can spend time with your family or practice mindfulness activities to help recharge your energy reserves. Additionally, it can be helpful to connect with other working moms who may have advice on creating balance while managing the demands of both work and motherhood. Finally, be sure to take time for yourself to relax or pursue interests that bring joy into your life. 

Learn more: How To Overcome Burnout As A Working Mom


Taking proactive steps to address burnout and stress is a key part of any successful business strategy, and it can ultimately lead to increased success for the organization. If you found this blog post helpful, pay it forward and share it around! It’s a simple yet effective way to make our workplaces a better place.

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